The chain of events that are associated with this theory include debt liquidation and the contraction of monetary supply. Following the paying off of loans, there was a reduction in the value of assets, and profits made by businesses. There was pessimism and people began hoarding money. The end result was an increase in deflation adjusted rates of interest. Another theory is that of productivity shock, which involved the surge in mass production and electrification (Saint-Etienne, 2013). In addition, there was an increase in the farm machinery and motorization of transportation. Hence, the increase in the level of production led to an excessive amount of production. Hence, there was an increased amount of excess production, which led to a reduction in prices and the foreclosure of many …show more content…
Many individuals are critical of his efforts and he is notoriously regarded as one of the least caring presidents. The approach taken by Hoover was mainly aimed at restoring the level of confidence people have in the economy and banking system. In the process, Hoover provided authorization for farmers and agricultural businessmen to stop bankruptcy. Another feature of the approach that was taken by Hoover is rugged individualism, whereby, each individual should fend for him or herself (Brunner, 2012). However, the approached by President Hoover were insignificant and harmful to the American community. The economic situation continued to worsen and one of the underlying problems was not