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To look at the pros and cons of a business case approach towards diversity management.
Firstly what is diversity management
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What is a business case
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An employer which follows the principle of equal opportunity in regards to its hiring and promotionprocedures. An equal opportunity employer is not allowed to discriminate based on items such as race or gender, and is required to give everyone an equal chance. is that important jobs should go to those “most qualified
Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/equal-opportunity-employer-EOE.html#ixzz2nHIwxB80
http://www.scribd.com/doc/36925678/Managing-Diversity-vs-Equal-Opportunity-Approaches http://www.cipd.co.uk/NR/rdonlyres/D4D2D911-FC8A-4FD2-A814-B80A55A60B87/0/mandivlink0405.pdf Importance and
What are the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity management?
One of the most significant theories with in business is the use of diversity management, it has become increasingly important for businesses to use the business case approach to diversity management. Within this essay the pros and cons of business case approach will be discussed and evaluated.
Diversity management has been defined as a “management philosophy of recognising and valuing heterogeneity in organisations with a view to improve organisational performance” (Ozbilgin and Tatli, 2011).
Diversity management can be understood as the recognition and management of diversity within the workplace both internally and externally with a purpose of using diversity as a tool of improving business performance. The use of the business case approach currently suggests that the use of diversity management can both improve business performance and minimize costs.()Diversity management is