People from the countryside flocked to towns and factories to get work. This resulted in a very high unemployment rate and the factory owners were so desperate for workers they hired children to maximize their employees. The owners of the brand new factories were mainly focused on hiring workers cheaply so they can make money easily. This was unfair to the new working class because if you work, you should work for at least minimum wage for a dangerous job like this. There was physical punishment to the workers in order to speed up the process of maximizing production. The introduction of the factory system had a negative effect on the living conditions of the people during this time. During the industrial revolution they could no longer work at their own pace and workers spent their whole days at work and when they got home they had no …show more content…
Children were treated so poorly during this time and the impact of industrialization affected the children in a negative way because they were forced to work in factories with dangerous conditions and little pay. The owners of the factories hired the children because it was considered the cheapest form of labor.
“Some of these machines were so easy to operate that a small child could perform the simple, repetitive tasks. Some maintenance tasks, such as squeezing into tight spaces, could be performed more easily by children than adults. And, children did not try to join workers unions or go on strike. Best of all, they were paid 1/10 of what men were paid.” A lot of accidents occurred when the children tried to use these machines and squeeze into small spaces because the methods of work were not designed for safety in the