Police corruption, misconduct, and brutality in the United States are all around from state to state, and going on for years. Abuses from public authority are worldwide police who are violating police departments regulations and rules. Corruptions by police are very illegal and are consequences of an officer authority may include selling drugs, extortion and fencing stolen goods. Police departments establishes codes of conduct, and investigate and remedial advice. Federal law specifically targets police misconduct applicable to local officers in officers working correctional (Howell Ron, 2002). Police misconduct and corruption is an international problem and historically factor development of police institutions, and a problem counterinsurgency. The U.S.- led North Atlantic Treaty organization police training program in Afghanistan have high police abuse and corruption by police corruption abuse and corruption and caused Afghans to seek assistance of Taliban against their government. The Blue-ribbon commissions have the most reliable and extensive knowledge about corruption by police many reports, created to sole purpose of conducting investigations of police corruptions. Commissions reduce police corruption by creating oversight over police with special focus on integrity, changing the organizations culture tolerating misbehavior less, and holding all commanders responsible for misbehavior of subordinates. Commission relay on contextual conditions that are not found in countries emerging conflict and facing threats to their security (Robert Perito,…