
Was Reconstruction A Success Or Failure

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Was Reconstruction A Success Or Failure
Sokhna Beye

The Reconstruction was the period during which the United States began to rebuild after the Civil War, lasting from 1865 to 1877. It was to repair the North and the South politically, economically and socially. After the Civil War, the South’s economy was completely ruined and needed help from the Union government; which they were trying to stay way from. The Reconstruction can be evaluated both as a success and a failure. Its successes were the restoration of the eleven confederate states back to the union, giving African-Americans (ex-slaves) their freedom and rights and providing aid to the freed slaves and poor whites. Its failures were the Anti-African Americans groups such as the KKK, the Black Codes, not protecting the rights of the freedmen and the southern corruption. Although African-Americans were freed and gained their rights because of 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, and the ex-eleven confederate states came back to the union, the Reconstruction was more of a failure than a success. One of the greatest accomplishments of the Reconstruction was the reunification of the eleven Confederate states. It ended the separation
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The government made many accomplishments in the rights and liberty for the African-Americans. They freed them, give them citizenship and allowed men to vote. Overall, the Reconstruction was a failure; everything that was accomplished was basically taken away. It was a period of corruption in politically, economically and socially. The only thing that was really a successful accomplishment was the freedom of

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