Quality is a strong word used to describe someone or something of value. When it comes to world leaders past and present, John F. Kennedy is worth his salt. Below are 4 qualities that made Kennedy a great leader.
To begin, the first quality is bravery. John F. Kennedy was a brave leader because he was a highly respected lieutenant in the Navy and led his troops into a battle and brought them out safely. Later during the Cuban missile crisis, he kept us from a nuclear war.
Next, Kennedy was a reasonable man. Known to be a risk taker by comparison, his first words as a newly inaugurated president echoed this reason. “Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.” Clearly his stance on peace was as good an example as any of reason. …show more content…
A dreamer at heart, on May 25,1961 president proposes an American space effort greater than all previous efforts combined, and designed to put an American space team on the moon within the decade.History recalls this as a most confident move.
Last but not least, the fourth quality was his calm in tense situations as president. Beyond a scandal or merit his calm was encouraged though peace efforts. These include enacting the first major national drive against mental illness and retardation,
as well as war against hunger and poverty for unfortunate populations. Calm persons promote calm actions.
John F. Kennedy was many things, but we should try to remember his strengths. Whether putting a man on the moon or keeping us from world war, his imprint on history was evident. Qualities are pieces of the pie, so it's good ingredients that make a quality person or