When James Madison and The House of Representatives decided to vote for a war, almost all of America felt that they did not have a choice to disagree. Madison said in his declaration of war, “We behold, in fine, on the side of Great Britain a state of war against the United States.” [Doc 4] Great Britain was kidnapping American sailors and forcing them to work for the British navy. The British navy had many deserters, so they stopped American ships to search for those deserters and captured everyone on …show more content…
Trouble on the seas with enslaving and killing American seamen, impressments, restricting overseas trading, and the desire to expand across the continent were just a few of the reasons. After winning independence in 1783, America did not want to feel as if it was still being controlled and oppressed by Britain. The War of 1812 was considered the only option. America stood against Britain and proved that it was a strong enough country to fight for what it thought was important. In the end, Britain became tired of fighting. Even though the War of 1812 was for different reasons, when it was over, it made America feel