The Department of Veteran Affairs objectives has always been the same, even as problems arise. In 2012, there were many reports that veterans are experiencing long extended wait times for medical services. There were allegations that veterans have died while waiting to be seen by physicians. As a result of these reports, Congress directed an audit to be conducted on the Veterans Affairs Health Care System. During the review, several discrepancies were identified in the area of medical scheduling. The reason thousands of veterans had been waiting for medical care was due to not properly being entered on an electronic waiting list. The audit also revealed that many appointment schedulers in the Health system had not received proper training. In correcting this issue, all schedulers were trained, and veterans were properly scheduled on the electronic list to receive care quickly. The scheduling discrepancy caused a backlog of an abundant number of
The Department of Veteran Affairs objectives has always been the same, even as problems arise. In 2012, there were many reports that veterans are experiencing long extended wait times for medical services. There were allegations that veterans have died while waiting to be seen by physicians. As a result of these reports, Congress directed an audit to be conducted on the Veterans Affairs Health Care System. During the review, several discrepancies were identified in the area of medical scheduling. The reason thousands of veterans had been waiting for medical care was due to not properly being entered on an electronic waiting list. The audit also revealed that many appointment schedulers in the Health system had not received proper training. In correcting this issue, all schedulers were trained, and veterans were properly scheduled on the electronic list to receive care quickly. The scheduling discrepancy caused a backlog of an abundant number of