The definition of equality is a state of being equal. For example equal rights in status, rights and opportunities. Equality is based on the legal obligation to comply with anti-discrimination legislation. Equality is what protects people from being discriminated against because of their sex, race, disability, religion, age or beliefs. (www.otleycollege.ac.uk-17/09/12).
The definition of diversity means to be varied or different but still being treated equally. Diversity is about being benefiting and valuing every individual no matter what colour, race, background, sex, culture, ethnic, disability. Diversity is about respecting individual’s differences and embracing them. (www.otleycollege.ac.uk-17/09/12)
The definition of stereotyping is used to categorize a group of people. It can happen when someone may not understand that type of person so they put them into a category. For example, someone can be categorized as being a Goth because they are wearing all black clothes, black makeup, depressed and hates society). (www.otleycollege.ac.uk-17/09/12)
The definition of prejudice is to have an unjustified, unreasonable opinion or feeling towards someone or social group. Especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge. For example, a may hold prejudiced views towards a certain race or gender ect. (E.g. sexist) (www.otleycollege.ac.uk-17/09/12)
The definition of rights is to have certain rights that you as a human have and are guaranteed. Every human has a right to some kind of freedom. The Human Rights Act is based on the principle of respect for every individual. Human rights apply to everyone no matter where they are from, where they live, simply because they are human. Freedom of speech, beliefs, which partner you choose to marry and have kids with, choice of job, life style, to travel widely, to work gainfully without harassment, abuse and threats of arbitrary dismissal. (www.humanrights.com-17/09/13)
The meaning of discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things mainly on the grounds of race, age, gender ect. Discrimination is the treatment taken towards or against someone of a certain group, based upon specific characteristics of the group. There are many kinds of discrimination for example, direct discrimination, associative discrimination, perception discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment, third party discrimination, victimisation and even pregnancy and maternity.
The difference between stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination is that stereotyping is over generalizing statements with people that have similar characteristics. For example, all black people are rude..., all men are childish..., all animals smell...and all old people are miserable. Prejudice is to have a opinion with a certain individual or group based on personal or social ideals but not actually doing anything to them. For example talking negative about someone saying “Asian women are ugly” Then discrimination is to notice a difference in someone and to do something harmful to a certain individual or group. For example harassing someone and shouting abuse at them because of their skin colour or race.
The different bases of discrimination are for example:
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION- when someone is treated differently to others because of being a specific race, colour, nationality or ethnic origin. It can happen in four forms. Direct discrimination- to treat someone less favourable because their actual or perceived race. Indirect discrimination- can happen when there is a policy, procedure or practice that applies to all workers but particularly disadvantages people of a particular race. Harassment-unwanted conduct related to race has a purpose or effect of violating and individual’s dignity and intimidating them in a hostile manner or way. This may create a hostile or uncomfortable environment. Victimisation- is when someone is treated unfairly than other individuals. (www.acas.org.uk-20/09/13)
COLOUR DISCRIMINATION- is when individuals are treated differently to others due to being of a certain skin tone.
RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION-is treating a person unfavourably because of their religious beliefs. For example for an employment to have a rule or policy that either violates a fundamental precept of their religion or lose an employment opportunity. (www.ria.army.cfm -17/09/12)
DISCRIMINATION OF THE DISABLED- when someone is treated differently because of a disability condition. For example a blind women being short listed for a job involving computers because the employer assumes that blind woman cannot use them.(www.equalityhumanrights.com -17/09/13)
SEX DISCRIMINATION- to discriminate an individual because of their sex.
AGE DISCRIMINATION- to discriminate an individual because of their age.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT- is also a form of discrimination and can be deliberate or repeated and unwelcome comments. Also gestures and physical contact of harassment in a work related place or anywhere. (www.ria.army.cfm -17/09/12)
NATIONAL ORIGIN DISCRIMINATION- can be when someone is discriminated because of their ancestor’s country of origin. It also can be because of an individual’s physical, cultural and linguistic characteristics of a national group. (www.ria.army.cfm-17/09/12)
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