Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School:
This is a statutory school set up and funded by the government. The governors within the school have a key role in managing the finances, recruitment and ensuring Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School provide a high level of education for all it 's pupils. The school encourages academic, social and emotional development.
Our Lady of Lincoln Catholic Primary School:
Is a voluntary aided school which provides a balanced education for children with a range of abilities.
The school assesses and reviews progress towards the child 's individual targets. The targets ensure the child meets their individual needs. To support children with special educational needs the school has an Individual Education Plan (IEP). This allows the child to have class-based support from teachers.
Sunflowers Nursery School:
Is a private nursery. The nursery has a well resourced environment, providing a range of stimulating and well planned activities which are both inside and outside. All of this allows the nursery to meet the child 's individual needs and supports their interests.
“Sunflowers Nursery School is Ofsted registered to care for children from birth to five years and follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) standards and curriculum”. (
E2: Describe how each of the types of settings identified in E1 aims to support children and their families.
Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School:
“To support and value our pupils and their families, with equal opportunities for all”. (Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School brochure).
Each half term parents receive a newsletter containing general information and important dates. Also the class teacher will inform the parents of any curriculum information. They communicate regularly with parents or carers to keep them informed about what is
Bibliography: (Beaver, M, Brewster, J, Green, S, Neaum, S, Sheppard, H, Tallack, J Walker, M, 2008, CACHE Level 3 Child Care and Eduction, Nelson Thornes, London) (Accessed 25/10/11)