1.1) Analysis how types of assessment are used in lifelong learning.
Assessment – It is a way of finding out if learning has taken place. It enables the teacher to ascertain if his/her student has gained the required skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes needed at a given point towards their programme of learning.
Types of Assessment: It includes Initial(at the beginning) , Formative (ongoing) , and Summative(at the end). An example of an initial assessment could be to ascertain prior knowledge of a topic. An example of formative assessment could be an ongoing learning journal, and a summative assessment could be a test, assignment or an exam.
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I would need to manage the situation carefully, as I may have some students who do not get along and might use the opportunity to demoralise others. Peer assessment might also take place on occasions when I am not present. I could then state how I would ensure the reliability and authenticity of the peer feedback.
Self assessment literally , encouraging or requiring students to assess their own learning and progress against the criteria or outcomes established by the programme of study being followed can therefore be a powerful tool but is, arguably, best suited to one-to-one work or private study. In order to generate a similarly student- centred approach to assessment in whole group situations.
When running peer assessment activities , teachers may be concentrated that the feedback that will be given is at risk of being biased or otherwise partial, perhaps as a consequence of group dynamics, friendship groups, or a broader lack of understanding of the assessment process. In fact, current and recent research indicates that if properly planned and managed, peer assessment is on the whole both valid and