
Two Main Conflicts In Hinton's The Outsiders

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Two Main Conflicts In Hinton's The Outsiders
How you ever wondered how it feels like to be the middle brother? Your older brother and your younger brother are always fighting. How would you look at this situation where, you are being played tug-of-war? The story, The Outsiders tells us about the lives of two completely different social groups, the greasers, the poor kids with freedom and the Socs, the privileged kids from wealthy families and how how they got into a rumble. Ponyboy, the narrator, protagonist and the youngest brother decides to write about how he lost his two friends and ran away from home as an essay for his English class. Sodapop, the middle brother of the Curtis family faces two main conflicts in the story. Firstly, he loves his brothers and wants them to get along …show more content…
When Johnny was jumped by the Socs, Soda took good Care of him and made him comfortable by telling him the Socs where gone. Soda assure “ Johnnycake, Don’t talk you’re gonna be okay” on page thirty-three. He says this because he wants to tell Johnny that he will be all right. Another example is when Soda gave Dally a letter to deliver to Ponyboy because he knew that Dally knew where Pony was. Pony inquired “ A letter from who? Sodapop?” in page eighty-one. Soda sends this letter to Ponyboy because he is worried about him and he wants to make sure he’s fine. Soda is Sympathetic indeed, as he loves all his members of his gang and wants to make sure their …show more content…
Direct quotes from the book explain that Soda is a person who is easily attracted to because of his good looks and nice nature. It also proves that he is very sensitive, caring and soothing. Soda plays an very important role in the story, if he wasn’t in the story, there wouldn’t be a character to encourage and soothe others in struggles. Soda got sick and tired of his brothers fighting so he decided to run away from their house and the Greasers win the rumble. This character Sodapop teaches the reader that being a caring and encouraging person not only make a person attractive but also a nice natured

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