Courage is characterized as mental or moral strength to surpass notions of fear. As demonstrated by Atticus Finch and Mrs Dubose in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, the development of courage gives the character’s strength and courage to hold their heads high, while fearing none. Harper Lee depicts the theme of courage incalculable amount of times, detailing courage as “ when you know you’re licked before you being, but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” (Chapter 11, Page 124) All of the characters have an alternate kind of perspective of what courage is exactly, which will be examined in depth.…
In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, courage is a theme shown by many characters in…
Atticus demonstrates courage when he defends Tom Robinson even though he knew that they were going to lose the case simply because Tom was black. In the book to Kill a Mockingbird A man named Atticus defends a black man named Tom Robinson; Atticus is defending this man in court because he was accused of raping a white women even though he did not do it. Atticus talks to scout right before the trial when it starts surfacing at school and Atticus states “‘ This case Tom Robinson’s case, is something that goes to essence of a man's conscience- Scout I couldn't go to church and worship God if I did not try and help that man”’ (Lee pg.139). Atticus knew that if he did not help Tom then that would be on his conscience forever. Atticus knew that he would not be able to even live with himself if he did not at least try and help Tom because that was the right thing to do. Another case is when Atticus is talking to Link Deas when a group of men came to The Finches house to talk to Atticus, He says “ Link that boy might go to the chair but he’s not going until the truth is told” Atticus’s voice was even “ And you know what the truth is” (Lee pg 195). This shows that Atticus will make sure that the truth will be told no matter what it cost him because he wants the people to know the truth- that Tom did not actually rape that girl. Atticus is a man who will always do the right thing even if it is not going to benefit him because that is the kind of man he is, someone who would not stand for discrimination just because of their skin color.…
Defending a black man accused of rape in front of a jury made up of white men, raising two children on his own with the help of a maid, and still having the strength to hold his head high when the rumors in the small, tired old town of Maycomb county Alabama seemed to thrive among its citizens. What many would consider to be numerous adversities, is Atticus Finch’s everyday life. The story of the courageous Atticus Finch in Harper Lee’s bestseller To Kill a Mockingbird truly begins when Atticus is asked to defend a black man accused of raping a white woman. Being the respectful, and determined man that he is, Atticus accepts his fate and takes on the case of Tom Robinson. Despite knowing that his chance of winning the case is very slight,…
Harper Lee makes the theme of courage clear and strong in the book “To kill a mockingbird”. Throughout the story there are many demonstrations of courage. Some of these are firstly masked to later be uncovered and at first they may not seem obvious. Some moments of the courage portrayed aren’t physical courage but rather mental and psychological. The story is narrated to us by Scout who is growing up in a small town known as “Maycomb” which is situated in the Southern part of The United States. At the time the novel takes place, racism and segregation was very common in the south and Harper Lee makes this very clear as Maycomb is a stereotypical early twentieth century,…
Throughout the novel, it can be seen that the characters of To Kill a Mockingbird show courage in some way. In chapter ten, Atticus provides an example of that. “He’s within range, Heck. You better get him before he goes down the side street--Lord knows who’s around the corner. Go inside, Cal” (Lee 10.126). When Mad-dog Johnson walks on the street of where Scout and Jem lived, Atticus had the children stay inside the house with Calpurnia while he went out with Heck Tate to deal with the dog. Only Heck and Atticus were outside of their homes, all the other residents watching from windows or doors. This shows Atticus’s courage because…
An example of Atticus displaying courage is when he was left alone in the police station, guarding Tom Robinson, and the lynching mob came. When they asked if Tom was in there, he answered, "'You can turn around and go home"'(151). Having no fear for his own safety, he remained calm and tried to avoid the horrible future that awaited Robinson. It took a lot of bravery, physical and emotional, because Mr. Finch knew that he did not have a chance of going against all those people. He also demonstrated his valor when Tim Robinson, Tom's dog , was suspected to have rabbis and quick actions had to be taken. Knowing that they only had one chance of killing it, the sheriff handed over the gun to Atticus. Scout narrates, "The rifle cracked ..He didn't know what hit him"(96).Even though he hadn't touched a gun in years, he had to put his fears aside and prepare to kill it. He knew that if he didn't, people would be in danger of getting bitten by the mad dog, It took a lot of guts because it was really risky, if he missed and the unwanted occurred, people would blame him for it. But Atticus managed to control his fears, making him a great candidate for the Lion o' Courage…
To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in Maycomb, Alabama. Atticus Finch is a lawyer and has two kids, Scout and Jem, who he raises alone because his wife died. Scout is a young girl that acts like a tomboy. Her brother Jem is the oldest and is a boy, who is in love with football. Tom Robinson a person of color was accused of raping a white woman, Mayella. Even though the evidence leads to Mayella's father, Bob Ewell. Bob was forcing Mayella to say things to convict Tom. Most people in the courtroom knew Tom was innocent. Towards the end of the book when Scout and Jem get attacked by Bob Ewell who Atticus accused of raping Mayella. During this attack the Finches neighbor, Arthur Radley, who they have never seen comes out and saves Jem and Scout.…
In the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch shows courage by standing up for his beliefs and by respecting values that he does not share.…
In the novel, to Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Atticus is portrayed as a virtuous man with lots of integrity. Atticus always had good moral values that he wishes everyone else could have. He was also always a good parent, telling Jem and Scout about a strong sense of morality. He even told them that they couldn’t use the word “nigger” or “nigger-lover” even though everyone else does, “”Scout,” said Atticus, “nigger-lover is just one of those terms that don’t mean anything--like snot-nose. It’s hard to explain--ignorant, trashy people use it when they think somebody’s favoring Negroes over and above themselves.” (Lee 144). Atticus believes in equality for all of men so he defends African American from prejudice, and even Tom Robinson in court. This story reveals Atticus’s courage and dedication for defending Tom Robinson but Atticus demonstrates his virtue and good moral values through his quiet everyday actions and teaching his children to judge only after looking at the world through other points of view.…
In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, I believe courage is a main point in the story. Courage is strength in the face of pain or grief. Sticking up for others, helping others that are in danger, and sticking up for yourself. To Kill a Mockingbird, has many examples of courage and they all show different meanings of what courage can do and how people show it during different events that happen. Having courage can cause something very succesful to happen without you knowing.…
Courage is when someone takes pride in what they believe in even if they are alone. In the novel To Kill Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch demonstrates the greatest amount of courage. Atticus took on the rape case of Mayella Ewell defending an african american man Tom Robinson, knowing what the outcome would be.…
In To Kill A Mockingbird, courage gives us the ability to do what is right. If more people were courageous then our world would be a better place. Courage allows us to make a difference in our world and allows us to blaze a path rather than follow the mistakes of…
Courage is a universal theme that can mean and be displayed in numerous ways. Atticus displays his courage through the way he handles the obstacles that are thrown at him throughout the book. The showcasing of Atticus’s courageousness is put in place to be an example to his children. He wants his children to see the correct conducts of life by what he beliefs and how he stands for it. As the progression through life goes on, the idea of personal beliefs come into play, but the main focus is how it is integrated and supported in the everyday…
Moral courage is when one has the moral strength to stand up for what he or she believes to be right. This type of courage is best shown by Atticus; a lawyer and the father of both Scout and Jem. After Christmas, Scout overhears Atticus talking to her uncle Jack about the upcoming trial. “Why reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving a Negro comes up, is something I don’t pretend to understand,” Atticus explains to Jack (Lee 117). Atticus understands that he will lose the Tom Robison case simply because people are prejudiced and racist. Furthermore Atticus knows that the existing prejudice and racism in his community will cause the people to judge him and his family. Despite the social consequences Atticus decides to ignore the opinions of other and to do what he knows to be right. He explains the reasoning behind his choice when Jem and Scout ask him why he would defend Tom when everyone else says that it is wrong. He tells them that “before [he] can live with other folks I’ve got to live with myself” (Lee 140). Atticus realises that his own moral values are more important that the opinions of others. Atticus defends Tom because he knows that it is the right thing to do, and he has the moral courage to deal with the…