War is very serious to them and not something to be taken lightly. “The adults no longer hid the subject of war from [the children]” it was their reality and was discussed (Deng 48). The Lost Boys view war as something that leads to horrible consequences. These consequences included but were not limited to rape, death, and loss of sanity (Deng 97,175, 206). For the Sudanese people “war had ruined a lot of things. [They became] convinced that people were not good; [that] people were bad” (Deng 180). War is considered a horrific time that separated people from everything they once knew. From their perspective war means selfishness, and “that is what war was doing to people. They only cared for themselves” (Deng 206). To the Lost Boys, war is a time where every man must fight for himself in order to
War is very serious to them and not something to be taken lightly. “The adults no longer hid the subject of war from [the children]” it was their reality and was discussed (Deng 48). The Lost Boys view war as something that leads to horrible consequences. These consequences included but were not limited to rape, death, and loss of sanity (Deng 97,175, 206). For the Sudanese people “war had ruined a lot of things. [They became] convinced that people were not good; [that] people were bad” (Deng 180). War is considered a horrific time that separated people from everything they once knew. From their perspective war means selfishness, and “that is what war was doing to people. They only cared for themselves” (Deng 206). To the Lost Boys, war is a time where every man must fight for himself in order to