Recent Deaths in Police Brutality As of late more and more attention has been directed towards some unsavory police actions towards the black community. This is in direct relation to A Lesson before Dying. In A Lesson before Dying Jefferson, an uneducated black male is prosecuted for a crime he did not commit and thrown into jail for it. He receives a death sentence and loses all self-worth. In relation to current police brutality incidents some officers have been unjustly killing black citizens and not being sent to jail but instead on paid leave. Many never get convicted of their crimes, even with video evidence, but that only fuels protestors. This has led to a heavy divide between citizens and their police, similar to …show more content…
It represents everything from self-worth to racism to freedom. Jefferson’s self-worth immediately improves when he receives the gift of the radio. He actually starts talking to Grant and he becomes much more open in his thoughts and desires. The radio helped reflect some of the racism shown in the book as when Grant was buying the radio he couldn’t get service or even a new radio without patience and persistence. The radio connected Jefferson to the outside world; it gave him his own possession and ability to hear the same things as a free man.
A Lesson before Dying Characters
Reverend Ambrose Reverend Ambrose is the preacher in A Lesson before Dying who Miss Emma asks to help with Jefferson. They ae both strongly religious so teaching Jefferson about God was very important to them. Grant and Ambrose did not get along or agree on many things involving Jefferson or Grants personal beliefs. Ambrose sought to educate both Grant and Jefferson but neither took to his ideals. Reverend Ambrose could also represent Grant’s conscience and moral standing. Grant knows he isn’t a hero and Reverend Ambrose sees that as well. Ambrose and his ideals show the heroicness that rant craves but knows he can’t achieve because he doesn’t truly