“Two Kinds” written by Amy Tan and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman are stories and reading that show the family relationships. They are two different stories but have quite similarities. The similarity between the two stories is to me is the reaction of their love one when at time they are too assertive, forceful and overbearing towards people they care. In “Two Kinds” story the author demonstrates the relationship between a mother and daughter which is the outline of the main character Jing-mei Woo’s childhood and the effects of her mother’s high expectations for her life. Whereas, “The Yellow Wallpaper” is a short story that illustrate the bond between a husband and wife. According to the Suess, Barbara …show more content…
The plot focus on two themes: the American Dream and the tension between Jing-mei and her Mother. To Jing Mei’s Mother, “America is where dream do come true, pushes Jing-mei to have such a high expectations of her daughter by hoping that her daughter would be a great success one day. She has “no idea exactly where her daughter talent lies on”, but she thinks that her daughter has great capability. It is a matter of finding what exactly Jing-mei talent is. First, Mrs. Woo tries to transform into a child actress, then tries intellectual tests, lastly she thinks she might be a pianist (p.385-388).
In The article “why Chinese Mother Are Superior,” By Amy Chua, she emphasized that children raised by Chinese are more victorious than children that are raised by Western Mothers. Chua declared that the strict and direct nature of the Chinese parent style allows their children to have excellence in everything that they do. Which explains why Jing-mei from the story “Two Kinds” was as at time bossy, pushy, harsh toward her daughter to be successful part of the cause was being a Chinese mother as well that is in their nature to push their children to be