Football has a lot of health risks. My mom says that if I get three concussions that I can't play anymore but football injuries aren't just concussions . Broken backs or Brocken necks could be a result in being paralyzed and they may never be able to walk again , Health injuries occur during practice and games . Common injuries include strains, sprains, fractures, dislocations, and concussions . Concussions have become a concern, as they increase the risk of mental illnesses like dementia. In many cases football injuries have long term effect and almost never go away . …show more content…
Concussions are particularly concerning, concussions may increase a person's risk in later life for chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). In addition to neurological damage caused by hits to the head, injuries to the mid and lower body can force players to retire or quit .
Fifty percent of injuries occur in the lower extremities knee injuries alone counting for roughly 36% of all injuries and 30% occur in the upper extremities. The most common injures are sprains, fractures, bruises, and dislocations just like the things listed in paragraph two . Joseph maroon (a Neurological surgeon ) says that all this confusion on youth football injuries have gone way to far, he said that kids are more dangerous on a bike than in youth football