|4 business organisations and their |Purpose |Profit free, not for profit, at |Size and scale |Linking the ownership to the size and |
|ownership | |costs, below costs | |scale of the business organisations |
|Cancer Research UK |Cancer Research is a cancer charity. They help people who |Cancer Research UK is not for |Cancer research UK is a large |Cancer research UK is a large size |
|(Charity) |have cancer. Their aim is to save lives from cancer. They |profit. |size national business with over |national business. National businesses |
|Charity is run as a business, not run as |have many different services such as cancer chat. They also | |3500 employees. |have expanded and have outlets in other |
|profits. Some Charity may also be small |have lots of information about cancer. | | |parts of the country so Cancer research |
|and employ only a few staff. Others are | | | |UK has many service and employees work |
|massive national or international | | | |around UK. |
|operations. | | | | |