c. These new depositories were selected partly because of their pro-Jackson sympathies, but in general, they were not nearly as weak as pictured by the president’s enemies…
Thomas Jefferson was consistently inconsistent by switching from a strict constructionist view to a broad interpretation on the constitution to support his political views. Similarly, Jacksonian democrats occasionally altered their belief of being guardians of the political democracy, individual liberty, economic opportunity, and the Constitution to suit their purposes.…
The requirement to vote had already begun it's expansion throughout the states prior to Andrew Jackson's presidency but hadn't quite shown itself yet. From the 1824 election to the 1828 election that Jackson won, there was over a 30 percent increase in participation with the presidential election, the greatest increase between election years. By his re-election year in 1832 there was a now fully formed two party system operating at a national level. Jackson's follower were now only called Democrats and his opposition called themselves…
Thesis: Both Jacksonian economic policy and westward movement in America were indicative of the development of democracy between 1820 and 1840. It was in this antebellum era that the United States, with economic and sectional changes, made effects to comply democratic politics and make changes should the country’s founding philosophy be led astray.…
The presidential election of 1828 brought a major victory for Andrew Jackson, and this election brought forth a social experiment started by the American Revolution. Economic, religious, and geographic changes reformed the nation in important ways and made way for even more opportunities for the future. Jacksonian democracy encouraged the strength of the executive branch at Congress’ expense, and also sought to broaden the public’s government participation. They were opposed by the Whigs. These two political parties arose from Jackson’s presidency, both of which held support in all parts of the country.…
major candidates: General Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, Speaker of the House Henry clay and William Crawford. After the votes were counted Andrew Jackson held 99 electoral college votes, while John Quincy Adams held 84 with Crawford and Clay each holding 12 respectively. Since no one candidate held the major vote it went to congress where Adams won and choose Clay as his secretary of state. This led to the election of 1824 being called the corrupt bargain and the to victory of Jackson in the Presidential election of 1828. The Jacksonian period or “the era of the common man” wasn’t necessarily of the common person, although it's most likely called this because of an increase in the common man's participation in politics, attempted reform movements to abolish slavery and the addition…
It is agreeable that the Jacksonian Democrats perceived themselves as strict guardians of the United States Constitution. It is not agreeable with how they went about preserving the political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity they stood for. While trying to create this balance, Jackson used tactics favorable only to his opinion. Jackson's main idea was to rid of aristocracy, giving the power to the poorer classes, standing against rich white men. The flaw in their scheme was that the people who came up with this idea were all rich white men.…
At the end of the Jeffersonian Era, some members of the disassembled Democratic-Republican Party turned their support to Andrew Jackson and his beliefs. During the 1820’s and 1830’s, the ideology of Jackson and his followers became known as Jacksonian democracy. As America advanced it’s power, Jacksonian Democrats were greatly concerned for the “common man” and making the country better for him. The Jacksonian Democrats were faced with many issues as they faced these concerns regarding political democracy, equality of economic opportunity, and individual liberty. Even the validity and relevance of the Constitution was debated greatly. Jacksonian Democrats successfully guarded political democracy and equality of economic opportunity, moderately…
The election of 1828 is viewed by many as a revolution. Just as the French Revolution marked the end of aristocratic rule and the ascent of the lower classes, the election of Andrew Jackson as the seventh president of the United States likewise marked the end of the aristocratic “Virginia Dynasty” and the ascent of the common man. While Jackson was a hero of the people, having routed the British at the Battle of New Orleans and having clawed his way from poverty to wealth, he was elected primarily because his followers believed he stood for certain ideals. The Jacksonian Democrats were self-styled guardians of the United States Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity.…
Between the years of 1825-1850, the United States went through the period known as the Age of Jackson. Although President Jackson only served eight years, he influenced great amounts of reform to happen. Across the country, political and social reform movements were prevalent. During the years of 1825-1850 many reforms were put into action, although some not immediately acted upon, they all had the underlying theme of expanding democratic ideals.…
American suffrage has been expanded at different times during history. In colonial times, suffrage was limited to males and then typically only to men, who were major landowners and tax payers. The effort to expand suffrage during the “ Age of Jackson” was a fierce struggle between those who favored it and those who opposed what they saw as a dangerous expansion of democracy. As years and centuries passed, arguments were revealed in a debate over expanding suffrage during the “Age of Jackson”.…
-part of the “democratizing” of politics was when the new western states drew up constitutions that eliminated property qualifications for voting and holding office (public offices were made elective)…
Even though Sellers focused largely on the debate over Jacksonian Democracy, there was no mention in regards to equality and slavery. Luckily, Kenneth Vickery’s “Herrenvolk Democracy and Egalitarianism in South Africa and the U.S. South” provided more insight. According to his thesis, Vickery said that during the Jacksonian era, “where there was progress towards democracy or equality for whites, there was frequently a diminution or limitation of the rights and opportunities of non-whites”. His argument was that when it came to failure and survival, whites relied on racial prejudices to further their own upward mobility. As mentioned in Seller’s work, in the early 1800s, politics was controlled by the egalitarians and local legislatures were…
"Democracy shows not only its power in reforming governments, but in regenerating a race of men- and this is the greatest blessing of free governments" (Andrew Jackson). During the Jacksonian Revolution, an effective foundation of democracy for the common people was formed. Jackson's new democracy was based off of his own views on government, changes in the voting system, as well as increased awareness in politics.…
Following the “corrupt bargain” election of 1824, the United States was propelled into an era that set aside the wants of the aristocratic elite to instead address the needs of the “common man” -- the Jacksonian period. Although the rewarding effects of the era were almost exclusively limited to white males, the Jacksonian period accomplished overwhelming developments in economic opportunity, reform, and national politics, exceedingly living up to its characterization as the era of the “common man.” The extent of its characterization was seen by the improved situation and expanded power of the ordinary individual. Economically, the “common man” was benefited by the Market Revolution as local markets changed to national ones, and large-scale…