lthough the magnitude of child abuse in the antebellum South is impossible to determine, historian Nell Irvin Painter has provided a useful way to approach the issue. She hypothesized that the rate of wife abuse in the Old South was probably not lower than the rate for contemporary households, roughly 25 percent.1 Similar reasoning would suggest that the rate of antebellum child maltreatment would have been not less than that of contemporary society, i.e., 12.1 of every 1,000 children suffered abuse.2 Yet, while this may seem a sensible first step in dealing with child abuse among slaveholders, it may not be the most pertinent approach. The Old South was a backward society. Over vast stretches of terrain, it was a wilderness.…
Directly following the civil war came a period of reconstruction era where Abraham Lincoln attempted to reunite the northern and southern states. During this time, goals were set for civil equality for blacks by the government. However, the hopes of the freed people were not met. Despite the government attempt to build equality and independence for the newly freed they were overturned by other citizens reluctant to follow the laws and lack of enforcement of the laws. The radical reconstruction involved radical republicans believing that blacks are in entitled to the same political rights and opportunities as whites.…
March 9, 1917 - Jan. 8, 2001. John Samuel Ezell was born in Louisville, Kentucky March 9, 1917. He was educated at Wake Forest College, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and at Harvard University, where he earned his Ph.D. in history in 1947. He served in the United States Naval Reserve forces during World War II, seeing combat as a Deck Officer on various ships in the Atlantic and Pacific, including serving as Captain of the minesweeper YMS 8. He was also a Beach master for the planned invasion of Japan. At the end of the war, he was made Historical Officer for the Third Fleet, for which he wrote the logistical history. He was made a David Ross Boyd Professor (1965) and he received numerous teaching awards, the Superior Teaching Award (1954), the Newby Teaching Award (1963), and the University of Oklahoma Student Association Teaching and Service Award (1986). During his academic career, he was actively engaged in re search, writing, and publishing on topics dealing with the social and cultural history of the American South and…
Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War was viewed by the victorious Northerners as…
Although Reconstuction was a time period of change only few changes were made and some of those changes did not have an long lasting effect. Reconstruction aimed to reconnect the South with the rest of the Union and assimilate blacks into American culture. Reconstuction failed society because it was a short lived success and the Freedsman Borough was of little service. Reconstruction was successful in restoring the Union but lacked significantly in trying to assimilate blacks into society. After reconstuction was over white southerners still degraded blacks and did everything in their power to prevent them from becoming their own people and living up to their own equal potential as whites.…
The main issue relating to Reconstruction that divided Republicans at the end of the Civil War was that some of the republicans wanted to punish the south and did not want them to return to pre-Civil war ways. The people that wanted this punishment for the South were known as Radical Republicans. The Radical Republicans wanted to punish the South because they caused severe destruction and the loss of many lives. Other Republicans believed that it should have been made simpler for the South to rejoin the Union. If I had been a member of Congress at the time, I would choose Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction plan. The whole idea for their Reconstruction plan was to reunite the nation. It would have just been simpler to let the…
New: Old: Slavery Henry Grady (editor –leading spokesman “New South”) Agriculture Diversification of production Land/slaves Industrialization/Manufacturing Western Expansion Homestead & Transcontinental Railroad Act 1862 Homestead Act Encouraged western settlement Black slavery spread 160 acres Transcontinental Railroad Act Government grants land to Railroad companies (North route) Used government bonds to build out west/expand Frederick Jackson Turner Writes paper about unique frontier (ignores Native Americans) Encourages expansion Manifest Destiny…
“The slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery.” --W. E. B. Dubois. The Civil War was history, and the North had won. Slaves were freed, known as freedmen, and given full American citizenship. The country needed help to come together and build back up after the disasters of the war. This building up was called Reconstruction. Which of the two, the North or the South, destroyed the rebuilding of the country? The Northern Neglect killed Reconstruction because of extreme racism and Grant’s ignorance towards the rebuilding.…
During the time of Reconstruction, many of the Southerners began sharecropping. This is when a farmer didn't have enough money to have his own land so he would grow his crops on someone else’s land and give a certain percent of money gained from the crops to the owner of the land. Also, the people in the South wanted to make industry big in the South. They spoke hopefully of a “New South” that would be equal, or possibly better than, the North’s industry. One of the biggest new features of the Southern industry was the mill town.…
Midterm essay Antebellum America was a period in American history where the nation was divided in two. The North, dependent on factories and manufacturing, lived an industrial lifestyle. Cities were overpopulated with people and living conditions were not the best, but the ambition to make money in the North brought people there. The South was not industrialized like the North; instead, it relied on an agricultural lifestyle with wide fields and acres of lands. It produced and exported cotton, sugar, and rice.…
When slavery was ended by the Emancipation Proclamation in 1865 there were at least 4 million slaves who were granted freedom. Many of the slaves had trouble getting jobs, finding families, and even trouble with education The slaves did not know how to be free and white people didn't know how to have a free colored person around them. It says that Holloway's words reflect the time after the Civil War. The Reconstruction period.…
After the gruesome civil war that divided a nation, the southern United States had a very difficult time recovering. Things were different. Slavery was made illegal, and the new political climate was a huge victory for the oppressed minority, the slaves. However, slave owners in the south were very unhappy with the outcome of the war, and as a whole the south’s struggle to recover after the Civil War is known as the “Reconstruction”. A large majority of this reconstruction was based on rebuilding infrastructure in the south that was damaged or destroyed by Union soldiers during the war. It is important to note that the Reconstruction had a variety of aspects: Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural in reform.…
After the American Civil War in 1865 the United States entered a period called the Era of Reconstruction. The Civil War left the South in shambles, economically, infrastructurally, and socially. Therefore, the responsibility of repairing the South fell on the United States government. The physical damage of the war was the first to be addressed. The government was not only repairing physical damage, but economic damage, too.…
After the Civil War came the Reconstruction Era. During the Reconstruction Era they passed an act called the 14th amendment and it was to free the blacks from being slaves. Although blacks had freedom, but they still were not free from society because a lack of resources and racism that kept blacks in slavery. A lack of resources kept blacks in slavery.…
After the Union won the Civil War, the United of America began to repair the nation from 1865-1877. The reconstruction took place in the South. Unfortunately, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, killed by John Wilkes Booth. The Vice President, Andrew Johnson, became president from 1865-1866.…