
The Negative Economic Effects Of The Industrial Revolution

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The Negative Economic Effects Of The Industrial Revolution
Before the Industrial Revolution people traded locally and most people farmed. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain due to the Agricultural Revolution the amount of laborers increased, more jobs were demanded. Great Britain also had resources such as having many rivers and hefty supply of coal that can be used as power. In addition, Britain had the wealth to invest since the economy was expanding, the prosperity increased which means that the demand for goods increased dramatically. Britain had the stability and growth to handle the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was a rapid change that happened around the late 1700s through the early 1900s of how products were made and sold using machines. The Industrial Revolution …show more content…
Before the Industrial Revolution, people who were skilled at a specific trait were very important because they made things that people needed like clothing or kitchen materials. For example handweavers, were people who made textiles and clothes for people to wear. At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, many citizens became unemployed especially handweavers because their talents were replaced by textile machines who could weaved textiles faster and efficiently. This demonstrates that the effects of the Industrial Revolution were negative economically, because many jobs were replaced because of the huge increase and popularity of machines. Due to fondness of machines, this made factory managers thought or obsessed over of the quantity of products a machine can make and getting it sold quickly to people. This created money more quickly than ever. It was a quantity over quality situation and because of that people who were skilled who were able to live comfortably were now struggling to find work to earn money. Another example of a negative effect economically was that the workers who worked in Great Britain had to work as long as 10 to 14 days out of six out of seven days. Workers had no paid vacations or holidays nor rest. Workers who were working on the process of purifying iron had to work in 130 degrees. Accidents happened often and if workers got injured that could keep them away from doing their job, they would instantly lose their job. This example shows the economic effects of the Industrial Revolution were negative because workers didn’t get treated well at factories and they worked excessively daily. This shows that workers were taken advantage by factory managers to work at their fullest each day and willing to do anything at work which is not good because they’re pushing too hard on themselves to

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