Dahmer was a loner and soon became an alcoholic. His parents had said that nothing seemed to matter to him. After graduating high school, Dahmer attended Ohio State University. But after a semester, he flunked out because of his excessive drinking. Once Lionel had heard about his son’s failure, he gave Dahmer an ultimatum. Dahmer had to join the army or get a job; he chose to join the army. Dahmer joined the army in 1979; but like his college experience, his alcoholism got him discharged early from the army. When he arrived back home, he temporarily moved in with his grandmother until he could find a job and an apartment of his own. Dahmer was arrested a few times because of drunkenness and disorderly conduct; he was put on probation for a …show more content…
During the fifteen months that he had lived at this apartment, Dahmer killed twelve men. He went into a killing craze between the months of May to July of 1991. Dahmer was killing about one man per week. Police later discovered that the men that had been killed lived “high-risk’ lifestyles and most of them were criminals that had committed very serious crimes. Dahmer would lure his soon to be victims in with his charming aura. Once the men were in the apartment, he would drug their drinks. After the men were drugged, Dahmer would strangle the men; sometimes with his bare hands or a leather strap. Dahmer wanted complete control of his victims. This was all about his pleasure. A few times, Dahmer had tried to zombie-fy some of the men. He would drill a hole in their skull and then inject muriatic acid into the brain. Most victims would die instantly but one lived in a zombie like state for a few days before dying. Dahmer also sometimes like to eat the flesh of his victims. He thought that they would come back to life inside of him if he ate them.
After capturing Jeffrey Dahmer, his trial began. The courtroom had maximum security and there had to be a barrier built that was made from bullet proof glass and metal. Dahmer tried to plea insanity but the jurors did not believe that an insane man could have done the things he did. Dahmer knew exactly what he was