In the story “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” is about a boy named Dave, who trying to overcome the struggles of life with numerous hurdles to become an established adult. While working for a man who bullies and ridicule him, Dave believes that purchasing a gun will end his adolescence and transform him into a real man. While having the …show more content…
Only through the blatant abrogation of explicit constitutional rights is gun control even possible. It must be enforced with such violations of individual rights as intrusive search and seizure and the most severely victimizes those who most need weapons for self-defense. With various gun control proposals on different agendas with the including of licensing, waiting periods, and bans on “Saturday night specials” are of little or if any value as crime-fighting measures because with the banning of guns to reduce crime makes more logic as banning alcohol to reduce drunk driving and with the persuasive evidence shows that civilian gun ownership can be a powerful deterrent to