Even though the Long Beach desalinization facility was not a success, it broke ground for a more efficient and productive plant in Carlsbad, California. For four years this drought has been destroying the state of California through wildfires and water shortages. Though many methods have been attempted to aid this state in its crisis, the drought is persistent. However, with advances in technology along with the new desalinization facility, the water consumption cut backs, landscaping changes, and new laws, California may have just what it needs to beat the drought and recover. California has taken an economic blow from this drought, and only time will tell whether or not desalinization will be California's…
The water companies are not suffering in revenue. These companies are permitted to increase the price of the limited resource. The providers also get to administer fines to those that utilize too much water. The burden of increased water cost is a responsibility of the consumers.…
The Colorado River is now being over utilized and if there were some unseen disaster this would put millions of people out of fresh water. They use the River as a plumbing system meaning that they channel the water and divert it all over the south west providing fresh water to thousands of farming acres. California how now over exceeded there its share of the allotment of fresh water taking in 800,00 acre-feet . With Utah and Nevada growing there becomes an ever increasing problem…
Do Californians consider it a serious issue? How much do we really care? How do different age groups view the drought? Are there differences in level of concern among generations? Do people in different areas of California have different perspectives on the drought? (NorCal vs. SoCal) How do people who live near water sources view the drought vs people who are more removed from it? Water use/how is water seen as a resource in other cultures (developing nations, etc)?…
Save the water! We’re going to need it very soon. China is in a water scarcity crisis right now and are not getting any progress quick. There are three main causes of China’s water scarcity crisis: Global Warming, Urbanization/ population growth, and Industrialization. Of these, the biggest driver is the industry.…
The more the population grows the more resources and water will be needed. So cities and counties need to become water conscientious and emulate the water policies of cities, like Las Vegas, have in place. They encourage residentsto have yards with plants that requireminimumwater and they highly regulate their golf courses where the excesswater goes back to the Colorado River. The leaders involved in the area need to review the Law of the River and ensure all the policies and laws reflect the needs of the people as well as to keep the best interestif the…
Do you want to save water and money on your water bill? Have enough for you and your family? As you know the United States is in a big problem with the drought. Well without water the farmers will have trouble planting the fruit and vegetables. Which means the food prices will go up and you will have to earn more money they you already have to get food to provide for you and your family. There are some ways so you can save water and money and lower your water bill so it is a 3 way win for you, which is regulate the groundwater.…
CALIFORNIA has various natural resources today i'm gonna explain their use and importance on the state of california.WATER is the most important of california resources . One of state's greatest assets and its greatest problem. Indians and missions and early settlers located near water since it does not fall from sky on regular basis like out east. Now we irrigate over 8 million acres of land & support some of world's largest urban complexes in an arid climate. California. normally has ample water within the state to support both its agricultural base and its urban areas, butgrowth will soon be limited if more water is not diverted. SEAFOOD Cal. ranks 2nd. in Seafood production in the U.S. Louisiana 1st, Alaska 3rd, Then Virginia & Mass. . Over 600 million lbs. from over 60 species harvested. 200 mile zone for enforcement of American laws apply. Industry started 1849, by Italian immigrants in S.F. Shortly after Chinese fishermen: caught much Cod, halibut, & sardines First cannery 1864 on Sacramento R. By 1900 canneries at S.F., Monterey,& San Pedro - which is now the leading fishing port in the nation. 8. Recently San Diego is increasing in importance. Sardines over fished, declined in 1940's - Cannery Row Monterey, John Steinbeck. Last cannery closed in in1964, but fish are coming back - used for bait. Pollution and over fishing = depletion both fish and shellfish. Natural reproduction no longer keeping up with demand.…
With a population steadily growing at about 0.9% per year, California has the challenge of meeting energy demands while bringing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions down (PPIC 2013). California emits 359 metric tons of energy related carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere annually and is the second largest polluter behind Texas (EPA 2013). High GHG emissions change the climate, which is identified by rising water and air temperatures along with precipitation changes, sea level rise, and other indicators. These changes lead to the increased occurrence of extreme events such as: droughts, heat waves, wildfires, and floods. Higher temperatures cause more precipitation to fall as rain and less as snow, which for California diminish water reserves in the Sierra snowpack. These water reserves are especially important during times of severe drought, which California is…
3. Paul Rogers Despite drought, Californians failing to conserve enough water. San Jose Mercury News. December 2nd 2014. www.mercurynews.com…
In the worst of times California’s climate is destructive to the well being of not only Californian’s quality of life, but the surrounding ecosystems. With unseasonably high temperatures presenting issues farther into the future, in “Adapting California's water management to climate change”, the authors Ellen Hanak and Jay Lund provide an overview of the effects California’s climate has during times of drought, and the complications it presents for the State's water management. Water management in the state oversees a plethora of concerns; properly planning, supply and delivery of water, quality assurance, addressing floods, the corresponding risks it presents, and the use of water as an energy source through hydropower. Larger governmental powers, like the State and Federal organizations, both have control over the above stated aspects of water management when dealing with California’s climate. The smaller, local, governmental bodies uphold the day to day operations of those systems. Best described by Hanak and Lund as “institutional diversity”, citing that the widespread sharing of responsibilities offers greater flexibility in response to unforeseen challenges each face, relying on the innovation of processes towards a wetter tomorrow. From the perspective of those in charge of the water management in the state,…
The water crises is negative is several ways. It severely hurts the farming in Texas which is horrible because we is such a huge export. It also threatens the jobs of people working in marinas. It is a pressing issue with no solution in…
On January 17, 2014 Jerry Brown the governor of California released a statement to be aware of the drought. There have been regulations to cut 20 percent from the average usage of water. The limit for watering lawns is twice a week from a specific time or it could lead to a $48 penalty for over using water. The restrictions have been accounted for to limit the water usage. Also washing your car has limits even though it's within your household. The government is trying to make sure we are aware that water is at its scarce. It is important we follow the regulations to make sure the future is…
The government seemed did some preparation for it, so in some extent, the government did a great job by maintaining the balance of economy and water supply. What government need to do next is keeping maintaining the current situation and finding a best solution to deal with drought. Using water from Colorado river and other rivers is not the lasting solution, we can’t unlimited use the seawater as our water supply in a long time, we need to figure out a solution to solve this problem, not just rely the resources what we have…
A lot of the food we make like tomatoes, almonds, and broccoli are being affected too. California produces 90% of all the United states tomatoes, 95% of the Nation's broccoli, and 99% of the Nation's almonds. Since there's not enough water to grow most of the vegetables and fruits there has been a big jump on prices for those items.…