According with the White House website, this act has some requirements in order to qualify a young illegal immigrant to apply to The DREAM Act. Some of these requirements are:
• The young immigrants must enter the United Stated under the age of 16 years old;
• They must have to …show more content…
The students must pay these grants. Also, young students can learn to be responsible and accountable for their status. It was interesting what the senator Richard Durbin said, “This is the choice the DREAM Act presents to us. We can allow a generation of immigrant students with great potential and ambitions to contribute more fully to our society and national security, or we can relegate them to a future in the shadows, which would be a loss for all Americans.”
The DREAM Act has more supporting points than points to oppose to this act. Many the positive points were related to the US economy. On of them mentioned the DREAM Act will increase the taxable income between $1.4 million to $3.6 million since the students will have a better income and career. Then the economy will have new ways to be more sustainable and able to cover the US deficit by $1.4 billion. Also, the DREAM Act will help to expand the numbers on the military’s …show more content…
I understood that was a federal act, which all the states should comply the same. When I read in the ABC News website that some states are not accepting illegal students in the schools, I was very surprised. For example, the article was about schools in Alabama requiring proof of citizenship during their enrollment period to accept students in the public schools. Also, there the DREAM act is not working there since the state declared war on immigrants, and they don’t want to comply with the DREAM Act. Some immigrants commented that they would be moving to California since their children can go to a public school, and have a chance to go to College. Some school officials in Alabama are between the state law and the federal civil rights law, which each child must go to school independent on the legal status. This case is going to Court to resolve. Reading this article made me mad because it is not a fair situation and breaking the