The Founding Fathers of our country created this amendment first because they saw it as the most important. This Amendment has impacted us the most out of the first ten amendments. Like Luke Scott was telling us “We all have the right of freedom of speech under the First Amendment. We all don’t have to agree with one another on our opinions.” That is what makes the first amendment so valuable. The first amendment allows us to have opinions. The reason that Amendment 1 is more important is because it affects who we are today and it gives us the freedom of choice.
The first amendment defines who we are today. It also brought many immigrants to the U.S. when they heard about America’s first Amendment. Today, thanks to the first amendment, we are less shy because we can say what we want without being afraid. A famous quote by Eric Fromm is “There can be no real freedom without the freedom to fail.” The quote tells us that as soon as America was free from Britain's tyranny, and had created the first ten Amendments, America knew what it was like to fail. Before, when America was being controlled by …show more content…
The first amendment gives you the power to make your own choices. While you can make your own choices you must learn to make the correct ones. Abraham Lincoln states that “Freedom is not the right to do what we want, but what we ought.” He is saying that there is a difference between choosing what will benefit us and what will benefit our country. He is informing us of the decision that we will have to make due to the freedom given to us by the first Amendment. Another similar quote that Elbert Hubbard wrote is “Responsibility is the price of freedom.” He is saying that freedom comes with responsibility. Freedom is the best thing anyone could have, but you also must bear the burden of responsibility for your words and actions. The first amendment is the best because you can be responsible for