The Red Scare and Salem Witch Trials do have some things in common. Also they have their differences. Then it is also how you look at both of them. If you look at it when it happen could there be a difference. Still almost the same thing happens.
One thing that the Red Scare and the Crucible have in common is in both people were being accused of being things that they weren’t. Secondly, the person/people accusing them did it to save their selves or to help their selves get what they wanted. McCarthy accused other politicians of being communist. Then Abigail accused people of being witches. Furthermore the accused was taken to court and usually charged with the crime. In both people life was ruined if they were accursed, even killed in Salem. Finally in both cases the accuser attempted to discredit innocent people.
On the other hand there are also some differences in the cases. In McCarthy people were accused of being communist and in Salem people were called witches. Another difference would be McCarthy announced a list of communists. The people of Salem or Abigail just accused people as she went on. She didn’t plan as much planning as McCarthy. During the Red Scare McCarthy lied about his war credentials, nothing like what in the Crucible. McCarthy had support from college members of the New Left. The Red Scare happens in 1950’s, while the Trials happen in the 1690’s. There is a huge time gap. In the end the Republicans lost control of the senate, which lead to the end of McCarthyism. Also in the Salem Witch Trial died off with the reverend losing control of the congregation. Then people not believing in the witches anymore because of the honest people being accused. After all they both have many things in common and also have many things in common and also have many differences. Secondly I think a phenomenon like these two could happen in 2012. Some could start accusing people of being terrorists. I don’t think that would