It is both a result, both factors which promote the development history. The variables for the socio-economic structure of the following year there is always inherited, the trip more complete translation of the previous year; to change to fit the new circumstances. US industry played on that dizzy ago was nearly two centuries. Trends restructuring industry is moving from traditional industries to modern industries. There is a shift from agriculture to industry and services. Accelerating agricultural and rural areas continue to develop and agriculture, forestry and fisheries to a new level by application of advanced science and technology especially biotechnology. Thrive and improve the quality of services, commerce, including e-commerce, the type of transport, postal services - telecommunications, tourism, finance, banking, and …show more content…
The most important content in the cultural behavior of the student is the student's behavioral issues with teachers, especially for classroom teachers. Culture behavior is including attitude systems, molds, skills and behavior of individuals in the community relationship with the natural environment, society and themselves, based on social norms to preserve and develop the lives of individuals and communities towards leg, the good, fine. Doing homework is an integral part of learning. Homework is an important part of the necessary additional classroom. It helps reinforce the knowledge learned at school children (or should learn), that knowledge is helping deepen understanding and expand knowledge. Schools enhance the use of the diary of homework, which is the idea of creating a book notes what homework that students are supported to. Lack of respect is the source of not a good thing and the wrong actions. Therefore, the school teaches us to respect everyone around. You respect other people means you respect your fellow human and respect fellow human, it means that you respect yourself, because you are also a number of cells in the same type that you respect others, the qualities, your virtue will also be raised, is raised, is respect, respect for others and express the qualities of a man, and you respect others, of course others will respect you because of the way of thinking, speech, behavior, you are very