|NETS | Similarities |TEXAS (TEKS) (2000) |Differences |
|1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity |Both focus on |Standard 1: All teachers use technology-related terms, |The Texas Standards seem |
|Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to |how teachers |concepts, data input strategies, and ethical practices to |archaic compared to NETS. |
|facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both |play a role in |make informed decisions about current technologies and |There are too many |
|face-to-face and virtual environments. |bringing |their applications. |standards and objectives |
| |technology to | |under each standard. |
| |students | | |
|2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments |Both are |Standard II. All teachers identify task requirements, apply|NETS are more succinct. |
|Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment |comprehensive |search strategies, and use current technology to | |
References: Bolch, M. (2008). Show and Tell: Students Are Using Cutting-Edge Visual Technologies to Bring the Age-Old Art of Storytelling from the Spoken and Written Tradition into the Digital Age. T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education), 35(5), 28+. Cesarone, B. (2003). Using Technology in the Classroom to Foster Student Learning. Childhood Education, 79(5), 329+. Gorder, L. M. (2008). A Study of Teacher Perceptions of Instructional Technology Integration in the Classroom. Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, 50(2), 63+. Kara-Soteriou, J. (2009). Promoting Technology Integration through the Leadership of School Administrators. New England Reading Association Journal, 45(1), 91+.