1. Keep rules to a minimum. Too many rules make it difficult for pupils to remember and follow them.
2. Be proactive. This means preparing things in advance and taking action before something happens to prevent the pupils, group or class from working well. Advance planning and preparation is essential to avoid disruption.
3. Work within a clear framework. As directed by the teacher, organize work and give pupils clear instructions/explanations so to minimize opportunities for disruption.
4. Set goals for lessons/activities. Have appropriate and realistic goals for a given set of conditions.
5. Be positive. Encourage pupils to keep the goals through rewards and …show more content…
Ignore certain behaviour. It may be appropriate to ignore some unwanted behaviour especially attention-seeking or behaviour that is not dangerous or life-threatening.
9. Be consistent. Once rules, goals and boundaries have been negotiated and set, stick to them.
10. Know your pupils. An awareness of a pupil’s home background, previous behaviour in class/school and their abilities (including any special educational needs) influences the way you respond to disruptive pupils.
11. Take account of time. The time of day, week or year affects how pupils behave: tiredness and poor concentration at the end of the day, stress and anxiety prior to SATs, excitement and lack of concentration before Christmas or summer holidays.
12. Keep calm. Be calm, quiet, firm and in control.
Bullying should never be tolerated. All signs of bullying should be taken very seriously. The response to incidents should be appropriate, according to the age and level of understanding of the pupils. I should be aware of the school’s strategies for dealing with bullying behaviour, deal with each incident individually, and provide a secure environment in which pupils can report incidents confidentially. Respond calmly and consistently to all incidents. Provide long-term and positive programmes of personal development where it is required. Record and deal with all the incidents as quickly as