Define Issue: The issue with stun guns are that police officers are using them in situations where they don’t need to be used. Police officers are saying they use the tasers on individuals instead of guns or batons.
Argument 1: The first argument about the issue of police officers using tasers is that when police use tasers instead of guns or beating people it is very likely that lives will be saved. Police describe the taser as a “less than lethal” weapon and it’s better to be tasered than shot in situations where shooting may kill a person. Steve Palmer, executive director of the Canadian
Police Research Centre says “we don’t speak often enough about the number of lives that have been saved and the number of people that are up and walking today that might not have been had it been for a taser”. Arizona-based taser international makes all of the stun guns used today. Arizona-based international says that there are no drawbacks on taser devices and they are among the safest use of force option available. Many law enforcement officers report that tasers are useful tools for police officers and also that they add a “use of force continuum” used by police officers to counter threats against them and innocent people. The officers have pointed out that the tasers add additional intervention tool that falls between the ultimate use of deadly force (the use of guns) and other less than lethal weapons. Many police departments have also credited tasers as a contributing factor to major decreases in officer and suspect injuries, and decreases in firearm shootings. The police association has said that the first year of Page 1 police in some districts having the use of tasers has been successful, with the stun guns only being fired 9