The wives of the Commanders wear blue dresses, the Econowives wear blue and green striped dresses, the Commanders’ daughters wear white, the Marthas – the servants – wear green dresses, the Aunts in charge wear khaki dresses, and the handmaids wear red. Offred says, “Everything except the wings around my face is red: the color of blood, which defines us” (Atwood 8). The dress color of the handmaids is mentioned frequently to symbolize their weakness in the society and how they are unable to escape their duty – to reproduce and to bear children – and their new identity. In addition, Offred’s red dress serves as a symbol of her powerlessness when red is connected with power and is symbolized as strength. Usually, women are allowed to choose whether to go to the Colonies or to become a handmaid and this is a perfect example of irony. Red is ironic because while having so much control, most of the women make themselves powerless in Gilead using their
The wives of the Commanders wear blue dresses, the Econowives wear blue and green striped dresses, the Commanders’ daughters wear white, the Marthas – the servants – wear green dresses, the Aunts in charge wear khaki dresses, and the handmaids wear red. Offred says, “Everything except the wings around my face is red: the color of blood, which defines us” (Atwood 8). The dress color of the handmaids is mentioned frequently to symbolize their weakness in the society and how they are unable to escape their duty – to reproduce and to bear children – and their new identity. In addition, Offred’s red dress serves as a symbol of her powerlessness when red is connected with power and is symbolized as strength. Usually, women are allowed to choose whether to go to the Colonies or to become a handmaid and this is a perfect example of irony. Red is ironic because while having so much control, most of the women make themselves powerless in Gilead using their