Near grand canyon
Hopi Indians been there for 800 years
Don born 1890
Population 1000
Descendents from cliff dwellers
Speak shoshonean
Men were short 5-4
Hopi means peaceful people
Kiva – underground religious chamber
Rain in summer
No government or surpreme chief
The mans sisters son succeeds
Village chief always happy
Crier chief makes public decisions
Don sun hill kiva group
Exogamous and matriliniel
Old spider woman who is the salt woman with grandsons
Twin gods
Corn mother and corn maiden gods
Ceremonies are complicated
Katcinas- ancestrial spirits
Buffalo, butterfly, and eagle dances serious
Wowochim ceremony November
Soyal- December- don is in it
Powamu- feb
July farewell dance – niman
Don failed to become part of the snake society twice
Don village now 125 ppl
March 1890
No birthday since exact day wasn’t remembered
5 year old sister tuvanium
2 year old brother namostewa
Grandfather apart of lizard clan
Father part of sand clan- tuvaneptewa
Masenimika- fathers sister
Naming ceremony
3-4 months on the back cradle
Mom lost a child
Name is chukka
Mr. Voth the missionary
Place Shongonpavi person Yayauma- special doctor for sickness
Spider woman kept held of him until they got a prayer feather
Kahopi means not peaceful
Never kill an animal unless you intended to eat it
Burro- small donkey
Still nursing at six
Sun the most important
Beetles were their wild horses
Had a dog named sitting sun
Babies came from talastumie and her husband alosaka
Power to heal
Best friend was his mom
Loluomai- village chief
Mark the ones that can spank him
Reputation of being the naughtiest boy in the village
At 9 was initiated in the Katcina ceremony
Got whipped 8 times instead of 4 lol
Those who hated whites called hostiles
Those who cooperated with the whites called friendlies
Sisters new name was Nellie
Then called her Gladys after skipping school for so long
Named his brother ira
1899 decided to go to school