
Summary Of Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

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Summary Of Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
In the poem Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night by Dylan Thomas, represents many things, but death is the common factor throughout the poem. When someone is dying or has died it creates the potential for many things such as, happiness and enlightenment. That being the case, we should be accepting of death.
Initially, when we accept death, it creates the potential for happiness. For instance, when he says, “Grave men near death see with blinding sight / Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay” (Thomas). he says that once you get to that point in life and are so close to death that you can look around with blinding sight and are able to look at everything in a new light and realize what was had and be happy for everything that was accomplished throughout your life and who is/was there to experience it as well. Similarly, when they realize that they could have had happiness when he says, “And learn too late, they grieved it on its way”
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For example, when he says, “Wise men at their end know dark is right” (Thomas). This gives a sense of awareness or wisdom that they have come to after everything they have learned throughout their years and have come to accept that everything has the eventually end no matter how hard they fight. So they accept the darkness that will eventually engulf them with open arms and live life to the fullest until that time comes and not worrying about because it will only drag them down. Likewise, when he’s talking about fighting against the darkness that trying to consume them, he mentions that “Old age should burn and rave at close of day” (Thomas) which ties into the idea of enlightenment because when death comes they should be looked upon with admiration for everything they’ve done and been through in life in their life as well as burning with wisdom as their days come to an end. Like how a candle flame slowly dies until the light finally goes

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