If a company does not have a formal …show more content…
Performance indicators may be included for each goal. Goals are written statements that describe the direction or activity that will lead to improvement in organizational performance and business success. Goals are not necessarily quantitative. Objectives determine more specific, measurable, and achievable standards that define success or failure. Strategies are action steps. These are typically fleshed out in more detail, with allocation of financial and personnel resources, in the operating plan. Performance indicators are used to measure success of objectives highlighted. This structure is not set in stone and can be modified to reflect specific organizational environments. See the sample strategic plan in this unit for further …show more content…
It should describe the business need for retooling information center services and products to support global expansion and customer satisfaction efforts. It will highlight personnel strengths/weaknesses, initiatives and systems already in place that support emerging goals, and lessons learned since the launch of those initiatives. The most important part of the situational analysis is why and how you plan to refocus information center activities to better manage information at a global level and to improve collection and dissemination of customer information.
Sample Mission Statement
Information professionals will collaborate with other departments, using their expertise in the areas of information evaluation and selection, contract negotiation and content delivery to promote corporate objectives by:
Ø Providing desktop access to a core set of premium information resources for employees located around the world
Ø Improving portal information on country-specific economic and business conditions and general information on global markets
Ø Collecting more in-depth information on key