People who have high level of religious commitment will view the world by using their religious beliefs and values and apply the religious beliefs to their daily life. Religiousness is a continuous connection to higher positive outcomes and negative outcomes in youth (Layton, Dollahite, & Hardy, 2011). For instance, higher positive outcomes can be prosocial behaviour and lower negative outcomes can be risky behaviour among youth. In comparing religious peers with the other less religious peers, religious peers have higher level of positive outcomes rather than negative outcomes (Layton, Dollahite, & Hardy, 2011). Interestingly, as mentioned by Layton, Dollahite, & Hardy (2011), an individual with religious commitment will indicate actions such as religious attachment (being member of a faith community), regularity of involvement in religious activities (church attendance); attitudes about or outstanding of religious experiences in life (the level to which religion affects other areas of life), belief in traditional religious creeds (orthodoxy); and typologies of religious orientations (intrinsic and…