One of the rarest mammals the Right Whale faces near extinction. At about 50 feet long they roam through Atlantic or Pacific waters. “Right whales live in temperate and cool seas in both hemispheres at the surface of the ocean. Southern right whales live at latitudes between 20°-55° but will occasionally venture down to 63°.” (Col). Or some species of Right Whale such as the Black Right Whale may live in all of the oceans. They travel very often but swim at a very low speed about 3 miles per hour. If you were to go anywhere from the Southern Ocean surrounding Anartica to the waters above Greenland you would be very likely to find one of these whales. You can never know where they might pop up because of their number and their rarity. So you could also be at a beach in Florida and run into one of these gigantic mammals. They swim in coastal waters closer to the surface. They like to be where there are lots of krill. …show more content…
These make up most or about all of the Right Whale’s diet. Focusing on their habitat it seems that Southern Right Whales stick close the Florida-Georgia coastline.The Atlantic Right Whales are seen and held closely to the Maine-South Canadian coastline. Where they are found is usually a changing factor because of them being endangered.
There are many reasons on why they’re endangered. One of the main reasons is because they were hunted and some still are hunted at a very large rate. Even their name “Right Whale” signifies on them being hunted. When wailing these were the right whale to kill. “Because females do not become sexually mature until ten years of age and give birth to a single calf after a yearlong pregnancy, populations grow slowly.” (Chadwick 1-7). So yet another reason why they face mass