that spark in her eye. She no longer cared for them and began treating them like the slaves they were. Slavery had broken her positive spirit and she was turned into a cold-hearted slaveholder. Equally important, the poor white boys demonstrated slavery’s negative impact. Douglass stated, “This bread I used to bestow upon the hungry little urchins, who, in return, would give me that more valuable bread of knowledge.” Douglass would feed the poor children in exchange for reading lessons. The boys didn’t mind that Douglass was a slave and wanted to help him. They had pure hearts and saw no wrong in teaching a friend to read. To sum up, they were not tainted by the effects of slavery because they weren’t exposed to it. Lastly, Mr.
Covey’s attitude towards slavery demonstrates how negatively it affects slaveholders. Douglass stated, “Mr. Covey had acquired a very high reputation for breaking young slaves, and this reputation was of immense value to him.” Mr. Covey’s reputation as a slave breaker filled his head with thoughts that he could not be broken. He was considered a saint because of what he did and was praised in church because of it. Being a slaveholder for so long had given him the idea that nothing was wrong with what he was doing. Mr. Covey didn’t realize that his actions were damaging slaves and damaging him inside as
well. In conclusion, slavery has an incredibly negative impact on both slaves and slaveholders. It dehumanized many people without them even realizing it. Many years of slavery has deepened slaves’ hatred and deepened slaveholders’ thirst for power. It has taken away slaves’ will to live and taken away slaveholders’ fear to die. Slavery has tainted the hearts of many.