The story portrays two young people who fall in love and in the end take their own lives when they cannot be together, but are they really in love? So are Romeo and Juliet really star-crossed lovers? Or just two teens in lust who didn’t understand?
In Baz Luhrmann’s film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, the two met at a costume party and immediately fell in love, however in this scene some may fail to remember Romeo is on drugs, meaning everything is taken in quicker than under normal circumstances. Because of this he could easily mistake his feelings for love after seeing Juliet, as she is the first young attractive girl he sees. If he had seen a different girl first, he could have very easily fallen in love with her instead. …show more content…
In the play Romeo is getting over his rejection from Rosaline (act 1, scene 1.) saying “Out of her favour, where I am in love.” He was in love with someone who did not love him back. It is not uncommon for people to look for a rebound to transfer their feelings of love to after being rejected. In this case it is Romeo who is wanting to be loved as his ‘love’ didn’t return his feelings. So, it is easily possible that he finds Juliet and confuses his emotions.
The point can be argued that in Act 1, Scene 5, Romeo and Juliet fall in love with each other when their eyes meet, not needing to know, each-others flaws or what they’re like as a person. However, this can just as easily be portrayed as, they don’t care about personality because they just like the others appearance. As many people know loving someone’s appearance over personality happens quite a lot, especially with teenagers, which Romeo and Juliet are, when you see someone you find attractive and think, you’re in love with them, when in reality you just like them for their physical