“… When young women wonder how high they can rise in our military, they can look at General Ann Dunwoody and her four hard earned stars. They can see that it's real. When they ask what kind of jobs they can do, they can look to women like all of you who've played just about every kind of role imaginable. And when they ask whether they can cut it -- whether they have what it takes to succeed -- all they have to do is to look at your lives, to look into your lives and to look at the careers that you've developed that inspire us all," the US First Lady Michelle Obama stated addressing women in combat (Moving History Forward). I greatly agree to her statement because women have not been given combat roles in the military. Women have served in the United States army but in the roles not given to men. I highly support the lifting of the ban on women in military. President Barrack Obama has oversaw the lifting of the ban to ensure more women serve in the military. Women are fit enough to serve in combat roles that are demanding and of specialty. I will address the reasons why women …show more content…
Everyone works extraordinarily courageous when danger is experience. Women are not left out. They work as hard to ensure they achieve what is required of them. No gender is designed for courageous acts to be in the military solely. Women and men can work hand in hand to fight the battles and emerge victorious. Women have been restricted from artillery, infantry, armor and other combat roles in specialty. They are recruited to perform administrative work, nurse the ill and wounded, do laundry and cook for the troops. I strongly disagree with the person who came up with this plan. Women should be allowed in the army not to cook but to serve as their male counterparts since no gender is better suited for some jobs and careers (Lianas