They say that once the student athlete stays for the required years they are eligible for pros. So they are going to leave college for the chance to become a professional. This would result in a waste of money since the athletes are going to be making considerable amounts of money that would easily pay off their debt from attending college. However, only about one percent of all student athletes end up making it to the pros. That leaves ninety-nine percent of the other athletes who would need the pay that would benefit them in regards to paying off large amounts of debt.
In conclusion, student athletes should get paid for the time that they put into there sport. The time that they dedicate to there sport is equal to the time someone has to put into a job. Only one fourth of college athletes receive a scholarship, the many of these are partial and only one percent of all student athletes make it to the pros. Since, the majority of student athletes do not receive full scholarship and do not go pro, colleges should pay the athlete as if there sport was their job to help them pay off college and other