ENG 102-2270
Research Paper
A Debate Pertaining to Illegal Immigrant Children in Public Schools
“The terms “illegal immigrant” and “illegal alien” are commonly used phrases that refer to the illegality of the action of migration without legal authorization” (wikipedia). Whether or not illegal immigrant children should be educated at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels in the U.S., is a fiercely debated topic these days. Many debates are taking place all over the U.S. pertaining to whether or not illegal immigrant children are entitled to a free public education. One major debate taking place here in Arizona is that Governor Napolitano and “its controlled Legislature are locked in a stalemate …show more content…
The cost of incarcerating illegal immigrants in Arizona’s prisons and jails amounts to about “80 million dollars a year; not including the cost of the crime that led to their incarceration. It is far better to have these children in school rather than to have them roaming crime-ridden neighborhoods day and night” (findarticles.com). Over the past several weeks, the debate over immigration overhaul has reached a boiling point, with hundreds of thousands taking to the streets to protest tighter controls on border security. As an effect of the debate to whether or not illegal immigrants have a right to attend public schools, a majority of the illegal immigrant students have recently walked out of school to protest immigration laws. Many illegal students said they were “marching in opposition to a bill sponsored by Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), that passed the House in Dec.; the bill would give police more power to enforce immigration laws” (chicagotribune). Although it is not an issue for legislature yet, many illegal immigrant students cannot register for college because they do not have a social security number. In all, if the world wasn’t fighting over free public education for everyone, then the world’s children would continue attending class and would be safe in school and off the …show more content…
Each year the Border Patrol arrest more than a million illegal aliens who flagrantly violate our nation’s laws by unlawfully crossing U.S. borders, often with the aide and help of fraudulent documents. All in all, illegal immigrants do not contribute more than they cost because the millions in prison and on welfare aren’t contributing a dime to our economy and the ones who are working are often paid in cash without tax deductions. America has a way of bringing us in, welcoming us and allowing us to become a part of the whole. What’s more, illegal immigrants migrate for a better future, education and rights. Thus, the U.S. has taken on many races, religions, and nationalities and has made them one nation; America has always been a nation built upon