- As a support worker I have a duty of care to ensure all our young people are safe. To encourage them to be healthy and achieve as much as possible. Also to make a positive contribution. My duty of care is also to keep all young peoples information confidental.
- It is my duty of care to do what is necessary to safeguard and promote the welfare of our young people. It is essential I promote good health and take the correct procedures when a young person is ill. Their behaviours must be managed effectively and appropriately to their individual needs.
- A potential problem could be not receiving the support I require to maintain my duty of care. It is essential that all of the staff team are delivering a consistent high standard duty of care. If this is not the case then young person's development could easily be affected. Another issues that may arise could be the sharing of a young person's information. As we must keep all informatio confidental, sometimes you could have a dilemma on your hands. - It is important that the young people's safety is balance with opportunties for the children and young people. This to let them have the freedom to explore and take risks for themselves. A home that is appropriately safe and secure should have opportunties inside and outside the house for the young people, this will encourage them to have a varity of options to choose. - I can get addition support and advice for an issues from my registered home manager or the senior that may be on call. There is also contact details for social services and health services should it be necessary to seek their advice.
- If I were to receive a complaint I would follow the companies complaints procedure. If it was within my authority to deal with the complaint, I would do what was necessary to resolve the