Additionally, little emphasis is given to the psychological and emotional effects of pre-marital sex. Most religious and conservative groups espouse abstinence. They site problems in this area as one of the chief reasons for it. Increasingly, more and more thought is given in this area as people talk about their experiences. Consider one anonymous author who also equates his experience differently than what the media portrays. He wrote, "After being with a girl, the next morning I always felt an emptiness. That 's something you won 't see on TV or in the movies, but it happens a lot. There was emptiness, even regret, afterwards." And later on in the article, "But the emptiness continued It 's not what the movies make it out to be. If it were, it would be completely fulfilling. There wouldn 't be any "emptiness."( One can only conclude that these types of feelings don 't get enough coverage, or there would be more apparent discussion going on about them. Spiritual considerations are almost non-existent in sex education programs. Some argue that after all, there is the protection of church and state to think about. However, many church and Para-church organizations would put this at the top of the list. Most who would "pooh-pooh" this notion say that it falls under "religious reasons" and state that the argument is one that religious fanatics use to "guilt" people from engaging in premarital sex. Dr. Dennis W. Neder, an author who advocates premarital sex states ,"but there many good, compelling reasons why you shouldn 't give up sex, or even wait until you 're married."(Dr Dennis W Neder)
This is utterly ridiculous at best. One of the best known sources for how people should live their daily lives, including God 's outlook on sex outside of marriage is found in the Bible. One of the best articles on this was written by a pastor in the UK. Talking about sexual intercourse Pastor Simon writes, "Sexual intercourse within marriage is for this reason good and of great blessing both to the couple, to the family and to the church. However, outside of marriage it creates a conflict of soul and body. This conflict may not at first be evident but later it can result in real soul damage occurring between the two people involved. (see I Peter 2:11)."(P.F. Simon) One excellent verse reference is found in I Thessalonians 4:3-5, "It is God 's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality, that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God;"(NIV). To recap, until more attention is given to other reasons besides how our anatomy works and effective contraception methods, sex education won 't be effective in presenting all the reasons pre-marital sex should be avoided. Isn 't it obvious then? It 's what 's not taught regarding sex education that is really of concern.
Sources Cited
Tucker-Ladd, Dr. Clay, Psychological Self Help, Clayton Tucker-Ladd &
MentalHealth Net, Copyright © 1994-2000,
Anonymous, "Romances with Wolves", Leadership U, Copyright © 1995 2004,
Neder, Dr Dennis W, "The Case for Premarital Sex", Adult, Copyright © 2000 2004,.
Simon, P F, "Premarital Sex", P F (Simon) Measures, copyright © 2000,
The Holy Bible, The New International Version Study Bible, Zondervan
Publishing House, Copyright © 1995
Cited: Tucker-Ladd, Dr. Clay, Psychological Self Help, Clayton Tucker-Ladd & MentalHealth Net, Copyright © 1994-2000, Anonymous, "Romances with Wolves", Leadership U, Copyright © 1995 – 2004, Neder, Dr Dennis W, "The Case for Premarital Sex", Adult, Copyright © 2000 – 2004,. Simon, P F, "Premarital Sex", P F (Simon) Measures, copyright © 2000, The Holy Bible, The New International Version Study Bible, Zondervan Publishing House, Copyright © 1995
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