This document was from Ndansi Kumalo, who was an African Veteran of the Ndebele Rebellion against British advances in southern Africa on 1896. He uses and sees violence in this document. It says that they fought the ‘White Men’ with big guns, machine guns, and rifles. This was a war in which every time they tried to make a move they were defeated by the ‘White Men’. From this document I can see that as years and years go by, the reaction goes more and more violent. Document 6 was about complete violence. Yaa Asantewa, Ashanti queen mother was speaking to the chiefs in West Africa on 1900. She speaks in the name of all women, that if the men do not go forward and fight for their voice to be heard, the women will. That they will fight the ‘White Men’ until they either win or all of them fall dead on the battlefield. This tells me that the women of Ashanti would do anything for their voice to be heard. In this document the Queen was speaking to the men of Ashanti. Document 9 is also talking complete violence. Mojimba who was an African chief, was describing a battle in 1877 on the Congo River against British and African mercenaries, as told to a German Catholic missionary in 1907. This was a battle in which, as described, a lot of people were wounded and dead. They blame the ‘White Men’ for all the wickedness and they think they can take away their land. The Africans say that that’s not justice and that they are crazy …show more content…
In document 3, the emperor of Ethiopia, Menelik II, wrote a letter to Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Russia in 1891. He talks about how for the past fourteen centuries, Ethiopia was on an island of Christians. He doesn’t agree about the division of Africa and says that the All-Powerful had been protecting Ethiopia up until that time. He hopes that the Lord, Jesus Christ, doesn’t let the division happen. What I picked up from this was that he is a leader, therefore doesn’t want to lose any power. He is also Christian and is using religion to react to this. In document 5, there’s an Ethiopian painting of the battle of Adowa, in which the Ethiopian were victorious over the Italian troops in 1896. I considered this religion by looking at the painting and seeing crosses on the Ethiopian flags as well as the Italian flags. From this painting I can see that the Ethiopians are diverse as well. In the painting there is a person on a horse but around it there is illumination. Since the painting was Ethiopian, I can see that this can be considered as God watching over the Ethiopians as well as helping them fight and win. In document 8, a German military officer is the one talking, in account of the 1905 Maji Maji Rebellion in German East Africa in 1906. What this document talks about is that a snake had given medicine to a medicine man and that it would strengthen women and