Qiang, M., Su-Mei, W., Da, Z., Jun-Tao, C., Ling-Ling, J.,
Yan-Xue, H., & Ling-An, W. (2004). Chinese Physics Letters,
21(10), 1961-1987. http://dx.doi.org/10.0256-307X/21/1961
NOTE: If using the APA 6th ed., use doi:10.0256-307X/21/1961
J. (2010). An interdisciplinary approach to preparing early intervention professionals: A university and community collaborative initiative. Teacher Education and Special Education, 33(2), 131-142. http://dx.doi.org
NOTE: If using the APA 6th ed., use doi:10.1177/088840640
The DOI format with a hyperlink is preferred in the APA Style Guide to Electronic Reference(2012). The APA guide says that the old format is also accepted. However, it no longer is preferred.
2. Journal article without DOI (When DOI is not available) -- eight authors or more
If there is no DOI number, then include a retrieval statement with the journal home URL. NOTE: For students in FSE, it is OK to use a standard journal citation with no URL.
H. M., McKay, J., Alvarado, F., Plath, E., Jordan, A.,
Porter, M., . . . Allsop, S. (2005). The attractions of stupidity. Journal of Philosophy, 30(2), 6-10. Retrieved from http://www.journalofphilosophy.org/
(See note about URL to use.)
When there are more than seven authors, list the first six, use ellipses, and the last author.
The URL is for the journal home publication.
3. Electronic version of print book
G., & Worden, M. (2010). Of course you 're angry: A guide to dealing with the emotions of substance abuse (Rev. ed.) [Kindle DX version]. Retrieved from http://www.amazon.com When the book is retrieved online, the location and publisher are not provided.
Provide information
Citations: with direct quotes - Author and quote together Students needed "parental permission” (Abbott, 2005, p. 25). The research found that the training built "sequentially and developmentally" (Jones & Ifill, 2010, Conclusions section, para. 6). - Author and quote separated Yi (2004) stated that the “IL Model needed to be implemented” (p. 34). Lee (2007) stated, “The data is unreliable” (Methods section, para. 4). Jonasen (2010) coined the term "frankenreference" (p. 22) to refer to scary reference citations. Bischoff (2009) used the concept of "fair use" (Encyclopedia Britannica, p. 3250) in the context of the new geopolitical order.