Mrs. N. Teacher
E209-Non-Fiction Assignment
27 August 2013
Chew on This
I. Factual Summary: Write a short summary of the piece you read. Chew on This is an informational non-fiction book with persuasive motives. As a direct stab into the heart of the fast food industry, Chew on This dives deep into the business strategy and food quality of many restaurants Americans know and love. The story began with Schlosser and Wilson describing probably one of the most innocent times fast food has had: the story of the first hamburger. Seemingly innocent, this food choice spurred generations of obesity and poor health over all.
The piece then continued to give a history of the beginning of the restaurants that are now American household …show more content…
The authors give a good definition of synergy—linking many products together to the consumer and secretly advertising them all at once—and follow it with actual examples. The largest example and by far the most efficient was how Walt Disney partnered Disney with several other companies. The other companies would put things like a Mickey Mouse logo on their products and perhaps Disney would sell their products in its parks.
III. Interpretation: What was the main point the author wanted you to get from this book?
Schlosser and Wilson made several valid points throughout Chew on This. Facts about business strategy, marketing, food composition, and slaughterhouse conditions all blended together to make one bad appearance for fast food. As intended, many flaws that exist in that industry were looked upon in a new light. The authors’ main point was to point out the flaws of the industry itself and expose fast food to America. They wanted not only to show the vindictive behaviors of the businessmen, but the cruel conditions that go into making the food. They wanted to open the eyes of the public to what they were really eating.