Statics suggest that in North Carolina alone over 25% of the homeless population are children, 15% out of those 25% children are the mothers and/or parents. Statistics also suggest that nearly half of the homeless population are single men. Meanwhile single women make up 15%, and veterans take 9%. You may never know the reason that they became homeless, what they went through or anything. But when they’re hungry, and begging for change for food. Is it genuine? Do they really need the food for money. Or is it to buy some alcohol or drugs. But who is to say that they might really need some of those things just to be able to function and have a clear mindset on things. There is 9% of the homeless population who are veterans, they probably went weeks without food and survived and maybe need a drink to clear their head from the things they have seen, heard, and done. Are we supporting a habit for the next “junkie” you can say or are we saving their lives by giving …show more content…
They face being, cold, hungry, afraid, and alone. Almost half of America’s homeless children are under the age of six, they cannot survive by themselves. Six percent of homeless children die before the seventh birthday due to malnutrition, as a result of living on the streets. Yet and still nobody cares. You get too comfortable in the life you live and take it for granted. You see people who need help and still act as if they did something to you and they cannot be helped. You call them “bums”, “dirtybutts” and all types of names just because that is what society teaches you. But you forget that one day you could be in that same situation going through the same