Samuel de Champlain was a soldier and navigator, and was extremely interested in the “Americas” In 1604 he was an assistant to the Sieur de Monts. De Monts was a French noble appointed by the king of France to set up trading posts in Canada. Champlain was given control of the Fur trade in exchange for establishing a French colony. Champlain, De Monts and approximately 60 settlers set up their first trading post called “port Royal” in 1605. Unfortunately Port Royal was not a great success, for that reason De Monts lost control of the Fur trade. Despite Champlain’s’ luck he was convinced that Canada was profitable. In 1608 he led an expedition arriving in what is now Quebec. It was there he met the Algonkians and Montagnais. Champlain set up a post (or habitation) because of the geographical advantages of this region, such as towering cliffs. This location was an almost unconquerable natural fort. Champlain allied with the Algonkians and Montagnais, in return they would not trade furs with the English. Champlain also met the mighty Huron nation; they told him that furs could be found in their territory as well. The two mighty nations eventually made an alliance
An Alliance with the Huron Empire
The Huron nation and the Iroquois were closely related to each other until they became great enemies. The Huron nation is made up of great traders, navigator’s, farmers and was very prosperous. The Huron’s geographic location provided them with many economic advantages. Their territory was located on the southern shore of Georgian Bay. Fishing in this region was excellent, vegetation included: mixed forests, meadows, and fields. Sandy soil was perfect for planting: corn, squash, pumpkins, and beans. They lived in communities of 800-1600 men, women and children. Their homes housed several families; a wall of pointed logs called a palisade surrounded these homes. The Huron’s were primarily farmers who relied on their produce: fish and game.
Bibliography: Cranny, Michael. "The Founding of New France." CROSSROADS A Meeting of Nations. Anita Borovilos. 226+. Print.