A compare and contrast of associate-degree level verses baccalaureate-degree level in nursing: Heidi Kruger
Grand Canyon University: NRS-430 (NRS-430V-O103) Professional Dynamics
Feb, 2013
As an ever-changing health care system continues to evolve our practice becomes more advanced. The healthcare system requires an expanded knowledge base and training in order to deliver safe, comprehensive care. As in-hospital patient stays shorten and patient care moves to a community setting, a greater number of specialized nurses are needed. Expected to wear new hats, nurses must attain a higher level of education if we are to adequately rise to new challenges and fill the new rolls of our profession. ADN vs BSN: What’s in the alphabet soup
Established in the U.S. in 1909, baccalaureate programs provided a comprehensive education for anyone whom desired to become a nurse professional. Generally this education pathway consisted of fives years of formal education, with three years providing a concentration on the nursing practice. Included in this preparation where courses on public health and education. Later, the preparation was expanded to include courses such as evidence-based practice, clinical prevention, improved patient outcomes and other upper lever critical thinking courses. In the mid 1950’s the U.S. encountered a nursing shortage and the demand for nurses became great. Developed by Mildred Montag in 1952, the associate degree in nursing program (ADN) was developed to fill this demand for nurses during the World War II and post World War II era. This program was only two years in length and included a balance of general education and clinical nursing courses. Its purpose was to provide “technical” nurse. These ADN prepared nurses where to assist and work under the supervision of a professional nurse. (Creasia, 2011) As the years progressed and the nursing shortage resolved, the ADN program remained
References: Creasia, J.L & Friberg, E (2011). Conceptual Foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice. St. Louis Missouri: Elsevier Mosby. Page 25-27. Retrieved from http://pageburstls.elsevier.com/#/books/978-0-323-06869-7 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2000, October 24). Retrieved February 26, 2012 from http://www.aacn.nche.edu/publications/position/bacc-degree-prep Robert J. Rosseter (2012, October 24). Creating a More High Qualified Nursing Workforce. Retrieved February 25, 2012 from http://www.aacn.nche.edu/media-relations/fact- sheets/nursing-workforce